Yoshi77777 is a faggot,nice art though.
Yoshi77777 is a faggot,nice art though.
Epic Lol. Thanks Man :P
cornbin is a faggot,nice art though.
Epic Lol. Thanks Man :P
I can see where your coming from but its more bisexual than gay, thats what i was going for anyway :P
Quit talking to me on MSN when I'm commenting!!
Never Ever ever never ever never ever ever EVER never...ever. =D
its abstract, doesnt really tell me anything about ur skill. i dont really have a comment.
I know its abstract! :D
Its supposed to be. I'll put up a few more later once i get them into my computer. I have some cool pictures at school as well which ill probably upload.
Thanks for looking at it anyway. Much appriciated, :)