I was struggling to think of an idea to do for a solo flash, then it hit me, i'm part of the 3 second collab, and i've made 6 parts for it, 6 small parts, i find short random or funny clips alot easier to manage with, so this is what i've decided to do.
I'm going to make a collab of 30 short clips, i will do one 5 second flash every day for a month and then string them all together and see what ive got, its going to take alot of ideas so if anyone has any feel free to throw some my way, they will be much appriciated. Depending on my mood i may do a couple in a day, leading the finishing date closer. But i'll probably take it easy and relax with one per day.
I've got 3 done already, just to start myself off, they're all pretty similar, and i've taken a liking to doing things in the sky. Also i'm actually have to learn Action-Script for this, as i'll need a menu. But Yoshi77777 has offered to give me a hand with this.
Anyway i'll frequently update this with some of the parts going into this, and maybe i can get some feedback, i'll be putting music behind the whole thing, so there's no need to tell me there's no sound in them. Any song ideas will be appriciated too.
I'm going to warn you, these are going to be random as fuck, and there's probably no connection with any of the flashes in this, they will all be completely independant and not connected with the one that precedes or follows it.
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ZOMG Spam!!! BANHAMMER!!! >:(