Art, One of my many hobbies. Im just wondering if anyone can give me any feedback on my latest piece. Its not finished yet. Needs colouring but The outline and backround are done. :P
Posted by Viridis - March 16th, 2008
Art, One of my many hobbies. Im just wondering if anyone can give me any feedback on my latest piece. Its not finished yet. Needs colouring but The outline and backround are done. :P
Yoshi77777 is a faggot,nice art though.
Epic Lol. Thanks Man :P
cornbin is a faggot,nice art though.
Epic Lol. Thanks Man :P
I can see where your coming from but its more bisexual than gay, thats what i was going for anyway :P
Quit talking to me on MSN when I'm commenting!!
Never Ever ever never ever never ever ever EVER never...ever. =D
its abstract, doesnt really tell me anything about ur skill. i dont really have a comment.
I know its abstract! :D
Its supposed to be. I'll put up a few more later once i get them into my computer. I have some cool pictures at school as well which ill probably upload.
Thanks for looking at it anyway. Much appriciated, :)