So CooL!
I absolutely love these kinds of animations, they have so much style and it takes real patience to pull em off well, ive never seen one done in chalk though. May i ask how long it took you to do this and how hard was it?
Graphically this was very cool, nice little drawings throughout with chalk and they looked wicked. The animation was smooth too, these have to be smooth throughout to get a good effect and you pulled it off. I especially liked when you picked up the chalk box. Looked cool!! :)
The music and sound was cool, fitted very nicely with the whole feel of the animation.
Personally i think it could of been a bit longer but whatever. I really think you should make more of these as they are really cool. Hoping to see more, keep up the good work!!
Graphics - 8
Animtion - 8
Sound - 8
[Review Request Club]